Kategorie: englisch

  • To Kill a Mockingbird Inhaltsangabe, summary, characters

    To Kill a Mockingbird deutsche Inhaltsangabe, summary, characters

    (6 years)

    • Dill who’s a friend of Scout and Jem wants the mysterious Boo Radley coming out of his house, but they haven’t got success

    • Scout comes to school, but she thinks school’s boring, because she can read, but mustn’t do that at the first grade; she has problems with her teacher who says her Dad taught all fault

    • In a knot-hole at the Radley place Scout finds different things (later Nathan Radley fills it with cement:

      • Chewing-gum

      • Pennies (Indian heads from 1906/1900 that makes them have good luck)

      • Ball of grey twine

      • Carved images in soap of themselves

      • Spelling medal

      • Not running pocket-watch

    • One night they want to have a look in the Radley house, but Nathan Radley shoots at them; the whole neighbourhood is awake, but they can’t find out who was there

    • One winter night (under 0°C) Ms Maudi’s house burns and the whole neighbourhood helps, but they can’t safe the house

    • In school Cecil Jacobs says Scout’s father defends niggers, but Atticus says he has to defend Tom Robinson

    (7 years)

    • On Christmas Scout beats Francis who calls Atticus a nigger-lover and that he’s a shame for the Finches

    • Atticus shoots a mad dog, Scout’s proud of him, because she thought he hasn’t special abilities

    • In Calpurnia’s church Scout finds out that Tom Robinson shall raped the daughter of Bob Ewell

    • Aunt Alexander wants to live at them, because she wants to show how a Finch must live

    • Dill runs off his mother and her friend, because he feels alone there in Meridian

    • One night a crowd of people wants to “have” Tom Robinson who’s in prison, but Atticus wants to save him; Scout, Jem and Dill comes to help him

    • Scout makes Mr Curningham (one of the mob) jump in Atticus’/Tom’s shoes

    (the trail)

    • Mr Tate (sheriff) tells what he knows about the events, but he doesn’t know anything about the rape

    • Mr Ewell who’s left-handed says he saw Tom raping his daughter who has injuries mostly on her right side

    • Ms Mayella (daughter) seems to lying; she gives different statements

    • Tom Robinson’s left hand is shivelled, he couldn’t have hurt Mayella

    • He says Mayella kisses him and he runs away because she begins to cry when Mr Ewell appears

    • The jury wait a long time, but the sentence was guilty

    (after trial)

    • Next morning: Calpurnia finds presents at the back door that shows there are people who liked what he had done; he introduces a little step in equalitiy

    • Mr Ewell stops Atticus at the post office saying he’ll get him

    • Atticus says Tom’s dead; they shot him while he fled

    • Most people thinks it’s normal the shot him, because Negroes are too stupid to flee, but after a while they forget the trial

    • Scout doesn’t understand how someone can hate Hitler, but discriminate Negroes

    • On the late way home from a school event Mr Ewell follows them, it cames to a fight during which Jem is hurt

    • Boo Radley carries him home, but Mr Tate finds Mr Ewell dead with a knife between the rips

    • Mr Tate insists that Mr Ewell falls on his knife, but Atticus thinks it was Jem

    • Scout brings Boo Radley home




    • Really: Jean Louise Finch

    • Six years when meeting Dill (wants to marry him one day)

    • Four years younger than Jem

    • Bored in school

    • Hurts other children when they mob her

    • Childish

    • Mother dies to years after the birth


    • Really: Jeremy Atticus Finch

    • Atticus is his hero

    • Left arm is shorter than the rigt because of a broken arm (12 years)

    • Missed his mother (dies when he was six)

    • Ten years when meeting Dill

    • Loves football



    • Really: Charles Baker Harris

    • Has no real father

    • In Scouts age

    • Small for his six years

    • Lives in Meridian (Mississippi), but spends summers at his aunt Ms Rachel

    • White hair, blue eyes

    • Show-off

    • Father of Scout and Jem

    • Read law in Montgomery

    • Lawyer in Maycomb

    • First clients were last hanged people

    • Mother of Scout and Jem was fifteen years younger and dies because of a heart attack

    • Older than most parents

    • Wears glasses (nearly blind on left eye)

    • Can shoot

    • Walks whenever he can to work, …

    • Doesn’t like crimination


    Boo Radley

    Tom Robinson

    • Really: Arthur Radley

    • Never leaves his house

    • Mysterious person: “goes out at night, commits crime, drives scissors in his fathers leg, you have to die when you go to their place, 6,5 foots tall, bloody hands, yellow, rotten teeth”

    • He’s Baptist

    • Wasn’t seen for 18 years

    • Mother dies (during book)

    • Pale skin


    • African American

    • 25 years

    • Married with three children

    • Left hand is shivelled (accident with cotton gin)

    • Worked at Mr Link Deas for years

    • Accused of rape (innocent)

    • Shot “because he flee”


    Alexandra Finch

    • African American

    • Cook at the Finches

    • Near-sighted and squints

    • Sometimes beats the children (like their mother)

    • Member of family

    • Well-educated

    • Older sister of Atticus

    • Got Finch Landing (cotton plantation)

    • Married Jimmy (taciturn man) and got Henry

    • Grandson Francis is often their

    • Wants Scout becoming a lady

    • Doesn’t understand girls

    • Self-conscious

    • Objective case


    The Cunninghams

    The Ewells

    • Tribe in the northern Maycomb

    • They are criminal folks; hang around

    • Don’t have money

    • Pay people with food, …

    • Never take anything they can’t pay back

    • Father Walter was a client of Atticus and paid him with nuts, …

    • Was once at a crowd who wants to kill Tom, but Scout remembered him of his entailment


    • Are dirty because haven’t water inside their house, just cold one of a source

    • Have cooties, black nails, …

    • Just visit school the first day

    • Have no mother

    • Are disgrace of Maycomb

    • Eight children (father is left-handed)

    • Mayella (oldest) says Tom raped her


    Ms Maudi Atkinson

    Ms Dubose

    • Lives in the neighbourhood

    • Loves her garden and the flowers, but hate house

    • She’s beautiful and wears a straw hat

    • Gold teeth

    • Makes good cakes

    • Babtist

    • Is grown up together with John Finch

    • Friend of Scout, Jem and Dill

    • House burned, but is happy, because she could built a smaller house

    • 50 years


    • Is a mean, old women

    • Is in a wheelchair

    • Scout and Jem hated her, because she offend Atticus

    • For a punishment Jem had to read for her

    • She died a few days later

    • Nearly hundred years old

    Uncle Jack

    Mr Dolphus Raymond

    • Scout and Jem meet him on every Christmas

    • Grown up with Ms Maudi

    • Humorous

    • Doesn’t understand children well

    • Is the youngest son of Finchs (ten years younger than Atticus

    • Studied medicine

    • Got money from Atticus


    • People think he’s drinking whiskey the whole day

    • Has a coloured woman and mixed children

    • Likes coloured people more than whites

    • Drinks, so that people find a reason for his attitude

    Mr Hack Tate

    Mr Taylor

    • Sheriff of Maycomb

    • Is against discrimination of coloured folks

    • Is a friend of Atticus

    • Judge

    • Seems often falling asleep during a process

    • Eat cigarettes

    • Old but fair


    Ms Stephanie Crowford

    Ms Rachel Haverford

    • Gossip

    • Becomes a “friend” of Aunt Alexandra

    • Likes being in the middle of events


    • Lives next door

    • Is the aunt of Dill

  • Comment auf Englisch schreiben – Beispiel, Aufbau & Muster

    Ein Comment auf Englisch zu schreiben ist die wohl beste Möglichkeit um deine schriftlichen englischen Kenntnisse zu überprüfen. Ein Comment auf Englisch hat eine immer gleichen Aufbau, den wir euch hier mit einigen Tipps näher bringen werden:


    Write a comment: Was ist zu beachten?

    Es wird fast immer nach deiner eigenen Meinung zu einem bestimmten Thema gefragt, dies kann in Form eines Briefs, Textes oder Gedichts sein.


    Vorbereitung auf  Comment auf Englisch

    Überlege dir klar welche Meinung du zu dem vorgegebenen Thema hast, sei dir im Klaren, dass die Lehrer nicht deine Meinung ansich beurteilen, sondern wie gut du argumentieren kannst. Merkst du nun aber, dass dir für deine eigene Meinung nicht soviel Argumente einfallen wie für die andere Meinung, solltest du natürlich die andere Meinung nehmen!


    Comment Englisch Aufbau

    Comment Einleitung

    Greife das Thema auf und stimme die Leser auf das Thema ein. WICHTIG! Starte nicht gleich mit deinem stärksten Argument, baue dein Comment langsam auf!

    Comment Hauptteil

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    Comment Ende

    Fasse deinen wichtigsten Argumente noch einmal zusammen, aber wirklich nur die Wichtigsten! Gib Tipps, wie man das Problem evtl. lösen kann bzw. es eindämmen kann.


    Comment Englisch Formulierungen


    After all

    To sum up

    All in all i think/believe


    My opinion is

    Im the opinion of

    I believe that

    My point of view is

    I think…


  • Eurokom Prüfung Themen – Vorschläge für Englisch Prüfung

    Die Eurokom Prüfung ist ja etwas, was jeder 10 Klässler der Realschule machen muss, man kommt nicht drum rum 😉 Da die Themenwahl für eine Präsentation auf Englisch etwas schwer fallen kann, habe ich hier einige Themenvorschläge für eure Eurokom Prüfung:



    – die einzelnen Städte: LA; Miami, Ney York, Las Vegas, Atlanta etc.

    – die Bundesstaaten: California, Florida, New York State, Texas, Georgia,Alabama etc.

    – Naturparks

    – Geschichte der USA

    – Präsidenten

    – American Way of Life



    – London

    – Sehenswürdigkeiten

    – Queen etc.

    – Bevölkerung



    – Fußballvereine, evtl. auch direkt englische wie Chelsea, ManU, Arsenal, Liverpool

    – Formel 1

    – jede beliebige Sportart


    Wichtig bei der Themenwahl ist, dass einen das Thema interessiert, sonst bringen euch alle Themen unter den Themenvorschlägen nicht viel.


    Welches Thema habt ihr gewählt? Schreibt es unten als Kommentar, dass wir die Liste ergänzen können.

  • Another oder an other? richtige englische Schreibeweise

    Was genau ist nun die richtige Rechtschreibung? Another oder an other?


    Die richtige Schreibweise ist nur und ausschließlich another, also zusammen, egal in welchem Fall.


    Another oder an other Beispiele


    Bob look at these shoes, they are really nice, but there is another pair.

    Here are 5 fruits, 3 bananas, 1 orange and another is an apple.


    So das Problem sollte geklärt sein, schaut doch auf unsere Englisch Seite vorbei 😉

  • Cartoon oder Bild beschreibung auf Englisch + Formulierungen

    Eine weitere wichtigste Aufgabe im Englisch Abi bzw. in sehr vielen Englisch Klausuren ist die sogenannte Cartoon oder Bild Beschreibung. Dabei wird euch ein Cartoon/Bild vorgelegt, welches ihr beschreiben und mit einem Text in Relation bringen müsst, wir zeigen euch hier wie.

    Eine perfekte Vorbereitung auf die Cartoonbeschreibung ist es, die Vokabelliste unten zu lernen, so dass ihr viele Floskeln parat habt!

    Schritt 1: Schau dir den Cartoon bzw. das Bild genau an, fange nun an die Beschreibung zu schreiben. Beschreibe als erstes was genau du siehst, wo, wenn usw. Benutze dabei das Present Progressive

    Schritt 2: Schreibe nur die wichtigsten Dinge auf! Verschwende nicht zuviel Zeit in jedem Detail des Cartoons, die Message dahinter ist wichtiger!

    Schritt 3: Fange an den Cartoon zu interpretieren, dies ist wohl der schwierigste, aber zeitgleich freiste Teil der Aufgabe, den du kannst schreiben was DU denkst was der Cartoon aussagt. Natürlich musst du dies auch gut begründen können!

    Schritt 4: Beginne nun den Cartoon mit dem Text zu verbinden. Wo liegen die Gemeinsamkeiten, haben sie die selbe Message usw. Kläre die Frage ob der Text den Cartoon unterstützt oder nicht. Schreibe deine Meinung über den Cartoon.

    Formulierungen für Cartoon / Bild Beschreibung

    1.) Bildbeschreibung ansich:

    The cartoon shows

    The scene depicts

    The speech bubble says

    The person on the right appears to…

    The child is wearing…

    The weather is…

    2. Interpetation des Bilds / Cartoons

    The picture deals with the recent discussion about…

    The cartoonist wants to say that…

    This shows/ indicates / reveals that…

    The message of the cartoon is…

    The message of the cartoon seems to be…

    3. deine Meinung über den Cartoon

    I agree with the cartoonist…

    In my opionion/point of view…

    I think the cartoon is wrong/right because…

    I believe that…

    Cartoonbeschreibung als Video

    Bei Fragen benutze die Kommentarfunktion unten!

  • Mediation von Englisch auf Deutsch Tipps Hilfen Übungen

    Eine der wichtigsten Aufgaben im Englisch Unterricht in der Schule ist die Mediation, die später auch eine große Aufgabe im Abitur stellt. DIe Mediation ansich ist eine recht einfache Aufgabe, bei der auch schlechtere Schüler, beim Beachten einiger Regeln, sehr leicht viele Punkte sammeln können, wir werden euch hier einige Tipps zum Schreiben einer Mediation geben.


    Was ist eine Mediation?

    In einer Mediation bekommt ihr einen englischen bzw. deutschen Text und müsst jeweils nur die wichtigsten Dinge in der jeweilig anderen Sprache zusammenfassen.

    Tipps und Aufbau einer Mediation

    Tipp für Mediation: Konzentriere dich auf den Text im Gesamten, nicht auf einzelne Wörter!


    Schritt 1: Lese den gesamten Text aufmerksam, ignoriere dabei Wörter die du nicht verstehst, den oft ist es nicht wichtig JEDES Wort zu verstehen, um den Sinn des Textes zu verstehen.

    Schritt 2: Lese die Arbeitsanweisungen genau und überlege schonmal was im Text wichtig sein könnte.

    Schritt 3: Lese den Text noch einige Male, unterstreiche die Stellen die wichtig sind!

    Schritt 4: Schreibe auf Deutsch (wenn der Text auf Englisch war) deine Mediation.

    Tipp: Am Ende sollte die Mediation idealerweise etwa 35-40% der Gesamtlänge des Originaltextes haben!


    Lass Genauigkeiten in einer Mediation weg, sie sind irrelevant!


    ACHTUNG: Es kann auch vorkommen, dass die Mediation von Deutsch auf Englisch und nicht wie gewohnt von Englisch auf Deutsch drankommt!

  • Simple Past: Bildung, Signalwörter, Verneinung, Fragen

    Simple Past

    • P: He spoke.

    • N: He did not speak.

    • F: Did he speak?

    Das Simple Past bezieht sich auf Handlungen und Situationen in der Vergangenheit.

    Fakten und Zustände in der Vergangenheit

    Tatsachen, die für die Vergangenheit als gegeben vorausgesetzt werden.

    Our secretary worked very hard

    Handlungen in der Vergangenheit

    Handlungen, die in der Vergangenheit niemals, einmalig, gelegentlich oder regelmäßig stattfanden

    Mister Brown never attended any meeting. He always sent me.

    aufeinander folgende Handlungen in der Vergangenheit

    Handlungen, die in der Vergangenheit nacheinander stattfanden.

    Mister Sanders came into the office, checked his mailbox and went straight to the briefing


    neu eintretende Handlung, die eine ablaufende Handlung unterbrach

    Handlung in der Vergangenheit, die (plötzlich) eintrat, während eine andere Handlung gerade im Gange war.

    I was sitting in a meeting, when my mobile suddenly rang.

    Signalwörter Simple Past

    yesterday, 2 minutes ago, in 1990, the other day, last Friday, If-Satz Typ II (If I talked, …)


    Hier zurück zu:

    Englisch Grammatik

  • About a boy Kapitelübersicht Zusammenfassung Summary Englisch

    About a boy Kapitelübersicht Zusammenfassung Nick Hornby








    Marcs, Fiona

    At Marcus’ and Fiona’s house
    London, Holloway

    In the evening
    summer holiday


    They talk about their family, about the splitting up of Fiona and Marcus’ dad

    • Marcus is a 12-year-old boy

    • good and close mother-son-relationship

    • Marcus is interested in his mum’s life

    – Marcus doesn’t want to

    watch soaps because

    of his mum






    1. at home

    2. at John’s




    Will is reading a magazine and is doing a questionnaire


    Will meets John and Christine, they talk about their children and Will’s life

    • Will hates children

    • He likes his own life (can’t believe why people want to have children)

    • He isn´t grwon up really (questionnaire)

    • Will isn’t interesting in talking about John’s children, doesn’t want to understand John’s problems





    Marcus’ class

    1. at home

    2. in school

    (early) in the morning

    Marcus can’t sleep, he’s to nervous, because he has to go to school

    Marcus is bullied at school, sings in class

    • Marcus is too shy, too weird

    • He’s different than other kids

    • He doesn´t feel good in school





    1. record shop

    2. a café

    3. restaurant



    • Will meets Angie who is getting his girlfriend

    • Angie has got children

    • Will lies and says that he likes children

    • Angie splits up with Will

    • Will is happy

    • Will is thinking of being a single-father









    Other pupils

    At home

    In school

    In the morning

    • Fiona cries all the time and Marcus tries to understand why

    • At school Marcus has got two friends Nicky and Mark.

    • they are members of the computer club,

    • friendship only for a short time, they don’t want to get bullied too, and say that they don’t want to be in contact with Marcus

    • Marcus is bullied again because of singing in class.

    • Marcus tries to understand his mother’s feelings, he cares for his mother and wants to know why she’s so sad




    Women of SPAT,


    room in a school

    First Thursday of the month, in the evening

    • Will is going to the SPAT the first time

    • Will lies a lot to make the women believe that he has got a son

    • Will meets Suzie

    • Will lies to make the women believe, that he has got the same problems than they have

    • He tries to play a nice and poor single-father to get in contact with single-women



    Fiona, Marcus

    At home


    • Marcus is bullied again of some kids

    • he has got problems at school and at home

    • Fiona is always crying, Marcus tells her to find someone else who cares for him

    • Fiona doesn’t know how to help herself, she loves Marcus but isn’t able to care for him as much as she wants to

    • Marcus is very confused and unhappy



    Will, Marcus, Suzie, (Megan)

    In the car, in Regent’s park

    Saturday afternoon

    • First meeting of Will and Marcus: picnic with Suzie and SPAT

    • Will talks to Marcus about what his hobby´s

    • Will thinks about his lies

    • Will behaves teenager reads magazines

    • Will’s dad wrote a popular song; that’s because Will doesn’t have to work(Santa´s super Sleigh)

    • Will thinks that Marcus is a strange/weird kid M. acts adult-like

    • Will speaks like a teenager (to Marcus)



    Will, Marcus, Suzie, park-keeper, Fiona, Megan

    In Regent’s park


    At home

    Saturday afternoon

    • Marcus killed a duck, park-keeper holds him responsible for it

    • Will defends him

    • As they come home they see Fiona who took lots of pills

    • Fiona comes into a hospital

    • Will begins to be interested in Marcus/begins to like him

    • Marcus first hated Will, but now begins to like him

    • Fiona tries to kill herself lots of problems

    • Will changes his opinion towards Marcus and the other way round



    Will, Marcus, Suzie, Fiona, (Megan)


    woman someboy official

    In the hospital

    Later, in the evening

    • Fiona has to stay the night in hospital

    • Will cares about Marcus and his problems

    • Will gets thoughtful, thinks about the other’s problems and not only about himself



    Marcus, Suzie, Fiona

    At home

    When Fiona comes back home

    • Marcus reads the suicide letter

    • Fiona feels better

    • They watch a comedy-film, but some with the topic suicide, which Marcus didn’t know

    • Marcus doesn’t want to watch a film about suicide

    • She wants to watch the film anyway

    – Fiona doesn’t understand Marcus

    • Fiona behaves like if she

    doesn´t commit suicide







    At Will’s home



    • Will is wondering how he could make Marcus happy

    • Marcus phones Will to ask him, if he wants to go out with him and his mum

    • In the afternoon Will buys a car-seat and tries to make it look like used

    • Will begins to think about his life and the problems of Fiona and Marcus

    • Will still tries to make his lies look real

    • Will thinks about the thoughts of other people, wants to make them happy






    In London, bus stop …

    Twenty-Eight (restaurant)


    • Marcus plans to couple Will and his mum; tells his mum to get changed for the restaurant

    • Marcus thinks that they would be a nice couple but Will isn’t interested in Fiona

    • Marcus followed Will home

    • Marcus has a presentiment that Will hasn’t god a son

    • Marcus hopes to find a boyfriend for his mum

    • Will doesn’t like Fiona, only wants to make Marcus and Fiona happy






    at Will’s home


    • Will thinks about Fiona

    • Fiona and Marcus invited Will,

    • he doesn’t like the singing of Fiona and Marcus, he doesn’t say anything

    • Marcus suprises Will with a visit

    • he wants to take Will to task for his lies (he knows that Will hasn’t got a son)

    • Marcus is more and more interested in Will and in his life

    • Marcus is a clever boy









    at Wills home


    • Marcus doesn’t want to tell his lies Fiona because he is afraid of being separated from Will

    • Marcus starts visiting Will every day after school,

    • Marcus lies that he likes the show to stay at Will’s house

    • Will and Marcus talk about Marcus and his problems at school and at home

    • Will gets to know that Marcus is bullied at school

    • Will wants to help Marcus to solve his problems and tries to find the reasons for them

    • Will thinks about how to help Marcus

    • he is more and more interested in making Marcus happy





    at Will’s home


    • They talk about Fiona and Clive

    • Will rescued Marcus from two boys

    • Will wants to know if Marcus is bullied at school

    • Will buys new shoes for Marcus

    • Marcus’ new shoes are stolen by pupils

    • Will says that he feels sorry for Marcus but Marcus’ problems are not his problems

    • Marcus sounds like a hundred-year-old man for Will

    • Will makes Marcus happy although he isn´t intrested in his mum



    Marcus ,



    at Marcus’ home,

    at Will’s home,

    in the car

    after school

    • Marcus tells his mum about, the shoes and about the 'real’ Will

    • He said that he spends every day in Will’s flat

    • They drive to Will

    • Will and Fiona argued at each other

    • Fiona doesn’t understand Marcus’ problems

    • Marcus said he needs a father

    • Will starts to understand Marcus even more

    • He wants to help him

    • Fiona knows that Will is a liar and she wants Marcus to stop visiting him

    • Marcus know how he can hurt his mum ( to say that he needs a father) and he does it (the first time)





    at home



    somewhere for a drink


    November the nineteenth


    the next day

    • Will hear the song Santa’s Super Sleigh (the first time this year)

    – his father hates it´s

    because of the interviewer

    • Fiona calls Will

    • they meet each other to talk about Marcus

    • They have a conflict

    • Will wants to spend Christmas at home

    • Fiona needs help for Marcus from Will

    • Will doesn’t want to help

    • Will realizes that in some aspects he understands Marcus better then Fiona does







    Mrs. Morrison


    at home


    at school




    • Marcus asks his mum about the meeting with Will

    • Marcus waits in front of the office to talk to Mrs. Morrison

    • He talks to Ellie

    • she makes fun of him

    • Marcus has a conflict with Mrs. Morrison, he shouted at her and left school

    • Marcus realizes that they never will be a family

    • He is a truant and a little bit proud of it

    • He thinks his whole life changed from this morning on

    • Fiona doesn’t like Will, but Marcus does





    around London



    at Will’s home

    at two o’clock


    4:15 p.m.

    • Will drives around London and see Marcus

    • Marcus visits Will

    • Will tells Marcus about Nirvana

    • Will realizes that Marcus needs help to be a kid, not an adult

    • He wants to help him and tells him everything he wants to know

    • They talk about Marcus’ problems







    at school


    at Will’s home


    at school


    • Marcus talks about Kurt Cobain with Ellie and Zoe (they make fun of him)

    • Marcus tells Will the story about Ellie+Zoe

    • Zoe and Ellie say in front of all pupils that Marcus is their friend

    • The girls make fun of him

    • Marcus feels stronger and he thinks that the girl’s like him

    • Will tries to explain what the girl’s might think of him

    • Marcus feels he someone of them Zoe, Ellie and Marcus

    • He feels good at school and the first time he talks to other pupils






    Lindsay’s mum,



    at Will’s home


    at Marcus home


    • Marcus invites Will to their Christmas party

    • After a discussion Will agree

    • Christmas evening (eating and presents)

    • Will doesn’t want to get drunk and stoned at Christmas

    • Will thinks that Fiona and Marcus are a pair of losers

    • Will thinks Marcus gets stupid presents and he is wondering how understandinf Marcus can be

    • Will sees that Marcus is a good kid






    Lindsay’s mum,




    at Marcus home

    The same Christmas evening

    • they watch the queen on TV

    • Clive rolled a joint

    • This is how the conflict between Fiona, Lindsay and Clives start

    • conflict between Suzie and Will

    • Marcus doesn’t understand ironic sentences







    at a New Year’s Eve party


    • Will meets Rachel at the party

    • Rachel believes that Marcus is Will’s son (Will doesn’t want to tell her the truth)

    • At midnight they kiss each other


    • Will never wanted to fall in love but Rachel was different than his other girlfriends

    • He was surprised of the experience that he fall in love

    • Will realizes that Marcus is the most interesting thing in his life





    Ellie’s mum

    at Suzie’s New Year’s Eve party


    • Marcus sees Ellie at the party and she hug and kiss him on his head

    • They talk about the year 1993

    • Ellie gets Marcus a Coke with Sherry

    • They talk about Fiona and about the fact that she wanted to kill herself

    • Ellies mother is snogging with sb.

    • Ellie is embarrassed because of the way her mum is dancing

    • It is the first time that Marcus drinks alcohol

    • Fiona gets drunk

    • Marcus asks Ellie if she wants to dance








    at Will’s home


    at Rachel’s home


    • Will wants Marcus to visit with him Rachel, because Rachel thinks that Marcus is his son

    • Will doesn’t think that this is his fault

    • Marcus wants Ellie to be his girlfriend

    • Marcus tells Will about his favorite food, his birthday and something else (Marcus thinks he needs it for his ‘lie’)

    • Since New Year’s Eve Will only think about Rachel

    • He wanted Rachel to be his wife

    • Marcus falls in love with Ellie

    • He wants to be with her all the time and tell her everything

    • Rachel forgets Marcus name,

    Will thinks she doesn’t think the

    whole time about him (Will)

    so falling in love is rubbish (for Will)









    in Ali’s room

    at the bus station

    at Rachel’s house

    at school


    After school on Monday

    • Ali threat Marcus, so Marcus run away to get a bus home

    • Will catches him and takes him back to Rachel

    • Ali cries and says sorry for everything he said

    • Ellie helps Marcus with the owner of the newsagent and with Lee Hartley and his friends

    • Marcus doesn’t want to destroy the relationship of Will and Rachel

    • Marcus is treated badly by Ali

    • nobody bullies Marcus at

    school because of Ellie

    • Marcus loves Ellie’s style, her beauty and her ability to beat people up




    Will, Marcus, Rachel

    At Rachel’s home



    • Marcus and Will talk about women (Marcus – Ellie, Will – Rachel)

    • Will thinks that Marcus and Ellie don’t fit together as girlfriend and boyfriend

    • Will thinks about his lie to Rachel and decides to correct it

    • As Will tells Rachel, that Marcus isn’t his son she doesn’t get angry and is only interested in the relationship between Marcus and Will

    • Will thinks again about his life

    • Will thinks that he changes his life in his own thinking

    • he fells in love with Rachel

    • Will learned that lying is not the right base for a long relationship

    • Will thinks about spending the rest of his life with Rachel



    Marcus, Will, Ellie, Fiona

    At Fiona’s home

    At Will’s home

    In school


    • Will cared about Marcus bought him new glasses, took him to have a new hair-cut

    • Fiona starts crying again all the time

    • Marcus asks Will for help but in Will’s opinion he isn’t able to help

    • Marcus gets angry, he makes their relationship uncertain,

    • they discuss about their relationship

    • Marcus is disappointed that also Ellie can’t help him but is happy that she cares about him

    • Will thinks that he isn’t able to help, (maybe he doesn’t really know how to help)

    • Will thinks that he hasn’t got any meaning for Fiona



    Will, Rachel

    At Rachel’s home



    • Will thinks about “the point” why live should go on, but can’t find a definition

    • After a long conversation with Rachel Will knows what is meant with “the point” he likes Rachel’s positivity

    • Will has sex with Rachel and is very happy that its happened, but again thinks about if it’s the most important thing of their relationship

    • Will realizes with the help of Rachel that Marcus really likes him and that he became a very important person for Marcus

    • It is a new experience for Will not to have sex for a few weeks although he likes Rachel so much

    • Will is sure that he want to live the rest of his life together with Rachel

    • the first time in his life he feels real love





    At Fiona’s home,

    At the tube station

    end of winter, beginning of summertime, nearly Easter

    • the beginning of the summertime lets Marcus hope to have a better time

    • Fiona tells Marcus that he has to visit his dad but Marcus doesn’t want to

    • As Ellie tells him that she would come with him, Marcus gets very happy because he hopes to become a more closely relationship with Ellie

    • Marcus and Ellie are going to visit Marcus’ dad

    • Marcus wants that Ellie trust him

    • Marcus loves Ellie and wants that she trust him to have a more closer relationship

    • Marcus doesn’t want to go to his dad at first, he thinks that his dad never cared about him all the time and is angry that his dad now wants to see him





    A pub in Islington


    Pizza Express on Upper Street


    • Will wants to meet Fiona and Rachel to talk about Fiona’s problems; but only Fiona comes, Rachel doesn’t

    • Will at first doesn’t know how to talk about the problems and isn’t sure if he’s the right person for this

    • Fiona is happy that she can talk to a person about her problems

    • she tells Will how she felt the last time

    • As they are at Fiona’s home they get to know that Marcus is at a police station in Royston

    • Fiona is happy that she can tell Will her problems

    • she needed a person to talk to

    • Fiona thinks she is depressed, and it’s an illness

    • Fiona knows that there is nothing that Will can do to help her

    • Will wants to help Fiona although he doesn’t want to sleep with her

    • Will thinks about Rachel and is at first angry about that she didn’t come

    • he wants to hate her but couldn’t









    (near) Royston Station,


    police station


    • Ellie and Marcus are on the way to Marcus’ dad

    • They talk about life, especially Ellie’s life

    • She thinks her life is ‘shit’

    but Marcus thinks that this is entitled

    • Before the train stopped at Royston station Ellie jumps off the train; Marcus follows her

    • As the come to a record shop Ellie throws her shoe into the window, because she is angry that people want to make money with his death

    • Marcus and Elli are taken to a police station

    • Clive and Lindsey arrive

    • Marcus thinks about his life and what has going on the last time and about his relationship with Ellie

    • he thinks that his mum is

    responsible for everything bad, that happened the last time

    • Marcus is doesn’t want to have Ellie as his girlfriend any more because of her bad behavior

    • He thinks they don’t fit together

    • Marcus is surprised as Ellie says that Marcus is her friend

    • Marcus become more and more self-confident

    • Marcus says to his father that he is a useless father












    On the way to the police station (in the car),

    At the police station


    • Rachel, Fiona, Will and Katrina (Ellie’s mum) are going to pick up Ellie and Marcus at the police station

    • They talk about Ellie and her behavior

    • Katrina thinks ‘she is out of control’

    • Ruth, the owner of the record shop

    Arrives and explains that she is a big fan of Kurt Cobain and that she feels nearly the same as Ellie

    • Will thinks about his relationship to the other people and is happy to have those ‘friends’

    • Will thinks that these

    connections are all because of Marcus

    • Will is going to be very sensible

    • tries to understand the feelings

    of the others

    • Will things that Marcus and Ellie willbe forever friends





    10:30 pm


    • Marcus, Clive and Lindsey are going to Clive’s house

    • Clive wants to be alone with Marcus (‘then Clive sort of nodded at Lindsey’…P.245,line 49-50)

    • Marcus and Clive talk about the last


    Now Clive knows that he wants to care more about Marcus and that Marcus needs a father

    • Marcus thinks that he will cope at school and with everything else and feels a sort of security

    • Clive is happy that he could talk to Marcus in a normal way

    • Clive says to Marcus that Lindsey wanted a baby

    • Marcus says that he like it, although he doesn’t

    • Marcus wants Lindsey and Clive to be happy








    at Marcus home

    On a Saturday

    • Will took Marcus and Ali somewhere out (most Saturdays)

    • They go to the cinema

    • Ali asks Will if he is going to marry his mum

    • Will wants to stay together forever with Rachel

    • Marcus thinks couples are not the future

    • Fiona sees in how far Marcus changed and it seems that he is much older

    • She thinks he smokes

    • Will lost his shell, his cool and his distance, he felt scared and vulnerable

    • Marcus lost himself

    • Will misses Marcus

    • Marcus hates Joni Mitchell

    • Marcus dressed better; other hair cur; he doesn’t sing out loud;

    • Zoe & Ellie are still his friends




    Vielen Vielen Dank an Andreas für das Einsenden dieser Zusammenfassung/Kapitelübersicht 🙂

  • Animal Farm George Orwell – Zusammenfassung

    Animal Farm        –    George Orwell  – Zusammenfassung

    Chapter 1

    Manor Farm            owner: Mr. Jones

    Animals on Farm:
        Old Major:        –     pig / boar
    12 years old / still good looking
    a wise animal:     respected on the farm
    his tushes had never been cut
    very important for the story:   
    had a dream and wanted to tell
    the other animals about it

        Benjamin:        –    donkey
    oldest animal on the farm
    never laughed about anything
    worst tempered (schlecht gelaunt)
    speaks seldom (selten) – if he speaks then cynical remarks

    Boxer:            –    horse / male
    strongest animal / enormous beast
    not intelligent / but respected of his steadiness (Beständigkeit), of character and his big power at work
        Clover:        –   horse / motherly mare
    –   didn’t get his figure back, after her 4th foal

        Mollie:            –   horse / white mare
    –   foolish and red ribbons in her mane

        Bluebell        –   dogs

        Moses            –   raven (Rabe)
                    –   is Jones’ spy

    Speech of Old Major

    Animals’ conditions:

    lives are miserable, laborious (mühsam) and short
    they are given so much food that they are kept (halten) alive (lebendig)
    they are forced to (gezwungen werden zu) work to the last atom of their strength
    when they aren’t able to work → they are slaughtered
    animals do not know happiness or leisure (Freizeit); no animal is free

    the human beings are the cause for their miserable lives
    the produce of labour (Arbeit) from animals is stolen by the human beings
    └> man is the only enemy they have

    man is the only creature that consumes (verbrauchen) without producing (herstellen)
    man gives them only the minimum; the rest he keeps for himself
    └> to make money

    one day the situation will change
    └> the animals rid themselves of man
    └> Rebellion

    animals shall unite “All men are enemies”, “All animals are comrades”
    whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy
    whatever goes upon four legs or has wings is a friend
    they must not adopt the wises of man → all habits (Sitten) of men are evil (böse)
    – all animals are brothers
    – no animal must ever kill any other animal
        – all animals are equal

    Chapter 2

    After Old Major’s death

    work of teaching and organizing the farm to the pigs
    └> most intelligent

    important pigs:

    Napoleon:        large rather fierce (grimmig) looking boar
                the only Berkshire on the farm
                doesn’t talk much; goes his own way

    Snowball:        nearly white boar
                very good in speaking; is inventive (schöpferisch) (open for new things)
                doesn’t have a strong character

    Squealer:        porker (Mastschwein)
    brilliant talker (when arguing he skips (springen) from one side to the other; whisks (schlagen) his tail)
                he is able to convince (überzeugen) the others (turns black into white)

    Animalism bases of Old Major’s dream

    Mr Jones and the Manor Farm

    is the owner of the farm; lives with his wife there; has some men (workers) helping Jones
    in the past Jones was a hard master; but a capable (talentiert) farmer
    had lost much money in a lawsuit
    └> began to drink (→    sitting in his Windsor chair in the kitchen, reading newspapers,      drinking, only feeding Moses with beer soaked (aufgesaugt)bread crusts)
    his men are idle and dishonest
    fields are full of weeds; buildings wanted roofing; hedges were neglected; animals are underfed (unterernährt)

    The Rebellion

    June and the hay was ready to cut
    Jones went to Willington to got drunk at the Red Lion
    Men doesn’t work (milked cows, but not feeding)
    Jones came back the next day on afternoon and went to sleep

    cows broke in the door of the store-shed
    others came and helped
    Jones and men came and wanted to stop the animals with whips (Peitsche)
    animals began to obstruct and kick
    Jones and men were surprised and frightened and ran away
    Mrs Jones and Moses left the farm through a backdoor

    got sure that human being had stayed at the farm
    threw all the bits, nose rings …(p14/l3…) down the well
    others are burned in the yard
    destroyed everything that reminds to Jones
    had a meal and sang “Beasts of England”
    decided to make a museum out of the farmhouse
       and no animal must ever live there

    Problems after the Rebellion

    the cows were not milked and the udders (Euter) were bursting
            (the pigs tried to do this and succeed)
    Napoleon said milk isn’t important → the hay is waiting
    in the evening the milk was disappeared

    Chapter 3

    Problems on hay harvest

    sometimes work was hard
    tools are made for human hands, not for animals
    it is difficult to stand on hind legs

    Work of the animals

    pigs:    don’t work
        directs and supervises the others

    the rest of the animals make the work

    horses:            pull (ziehen) the cutter or the horse rake (Rechen)
    hens and ducks:    pick up small wisps (Büschel)

    on Sunday there were ceremonies; hoisting a flag (green ground and white horn and hoof)
    after the ceremony there was the “Meeting” in the barn
    they planned the work for the next week
    then singing “Beasts of England”
    the rest of the day was free
    Snowball and Napoleon were the most actives of the debates but didn’t come to an agreement

    Snowball had formed special committees and groups

    different reading classes:    ~ pigs were perfect readers and writers
                    ~ Benjamin was perfect too, but don’t exercises (trainieren)
                    ~ dogs learnt well, but weren’t interested except the
       7 Commandments
    ~ Clover can the whole alphabet; Boxer can just 4;
       Mollie can just hers
    ~ the other animals can “A”
    ~ the sheep were so stupid; learnt short form:
       “4 legs good, 2 legs bad!”

    Napoleon takes the little dogs to educate them to himself → the others forgot the whelps
    (the education of younger animals is more important than teaching everyone)

    the spring time same (unverändert) (first apples) and the reason for the vanished (verschwunden) milk was found
    →    apples and milk was necessary for the pigs (brain work)
             or Jones will come back → so the others agreed

    Chapter 4

    Neighbouring Farms:

    Foxwood                            Pinchfield

    owner: Mr Pilkington                        owner: Mr Frederick
    easy going                            is an intelligent person
    spends his time with fishing                     is often involved in lawsuits
    and hunting (jagen)                        hard bargains (Geschäft machen)
    farm: large, neglected    (vernachläßigen)            farm: smaller, but better kept

    The first attack against Animal Farm

    in early October
    └>    by Jones and some other men of the neighbouring farms

    → Snowball had worked out special tactics
        all animals defend (verteidigen) their farm
        in the fight:    →    Snowball was hurt through Jones’ gun
                       Boxer killed a stable lad (Stallburschen) from another farm

    → the animals won the fight
    └>    gave the died sheep a solemn (feierlich) funeral (Begräbnis), plant a tree on the grave
        Snowball gave a speech; sang “Beasts…”; created military decorations
        (“Animal Hero, First Class”) for Boxer and Snowball
        (the gun was prepared for a decorate shot on day of Rebellion and the first attack)

    Chapter 5

    In January the animals took place on meetings to plan the work for the next year:

    Snowball                                 √                        Napoleon
    didn’t come to an agreement

    winner                         ←       at the end of the meetings    →    got the support of
    (animals agree)                            the sheep(4 legs../2 legs)
    └> brilliant speaker                            └>interrupted the speeches
                                            of Snowball

    *planed new                                did nothing of his own
    inventions                                only criticized Snowball
    (field drains
    *worked out different
    things, which can
    be used with the power
    of the windmill
    *plans were made on
    the floor → all animals
    had a look at them                        →    except Napoleon
                                        examined the plans later,
                                        studied them carefully;
                                        urinates over the planes

    “Vote for Snowball                √            “Vote for Napoleon
       and the three-day week”                           and a full manger”

    send pigeons for more    ←    defeating the farm    →    train to defend

                    Animal Farm animals could also
                         not decide to one opinion

    was going to win                            uttered a high-pitched
    during the meeting                            whimper to order dogs
                                        (little dogs he took away
                                          from Jessie and Bluebell)

    └> the dogs chase (jagen) Snowball out of the Animal Farm
     Snowball is able to escape (fliehen)

    after that the dogs behaved towards Napoleon like in former times to Jones

    now Napoleon is the "leader"

    1st orders/decisions:

        · no more Sunday morning meetings
        · pigs work out plans for the next week and animals get order about work
    *some animals protested against the decision (Boxer, 4 young porkers)

    · gives Squealer the task to convince the animals that Snowball isn‘ t better than a
    criminal (- "or do you want Jones back?")
    · gives the animals his decision about building the windmill

    Chapter 6

    – animals are willed to work very hard
    └> doings are for their own benefit (not for not producing humans)
    – Napoleon announced (ankündigen) that animals had to work on Sundays
    └> free → but reducing rations if not working
    – difficulties to build up the windmill (cutting the stones)
    └> tools are not made for animals
    └> using gravity (Schwerkraft)
    – developed methods to hold the farm (better then human)
    – things/materials are needed which can’t be produced on farm
    └> announced (“new policy”) to trade with human through Mr Whimper
    └> if they need more money → selling eggs
    – the animals get more respect from people because of managing their own affaires
      (calling the farm Animal Farm)
    – pigs move into the farmhouse and sleep in beds (need a quiet place to work)
    – sleeping in beds against Commandments
    └> change in the Commandments "with sheets"
    – after harvest in autumn the work on windmill went on
    – Boxer worked even at night
    – because of the storm the windmill was ruined
    – Napoleon gives Snowball the guilt

    Chapter 7

    – it was a bitter winter
    – for this time the mill should be build with thicker walls
    – Animals are very hungry and ever cold → got hope by Boxer and Clover (working hard)
    – food was rare (rar) → hind this fact from outside the world
    └> use a trick: fill the brim (Fass) with sand and cover with food
    – more food was needed → selling eggs (400 a week) to buy food
    – selling timber to Foxwood or Pinchfield
    (no agreement → Snowball was seen here and there) → Hitler-Stalin-Pact                                         (└> Vorbereitung auf Kampf)
    – Snowball came at night, was responsible for every mischief (Unheil)
    – documents were found which evidenced (beweisen) Snowball’s work for Jones (Battle of the    Cowshed)
    └> animals didn’t believe, even Boxer rumoured
    – Squealer convinced them, they should have their eyes open (→ to look for traitors)
    – four days later there were executions (four pigs (against N.), hens, geese …
    – others were shocked (Boxer saw it as a fault of themselves) → solution: “I will work    
    – it was forbidden to sing “Beasts of England”
    └> song of Rebellion → Rebellion was over, song was over

    Chapter 8

    – changes in the Commandments → killing without cause
    – when the animals produced 200, 300, 500 per cent they got a food class higher
    – announced to speak to N. in a formal style (titles: Leader…)
    └> every good thing on farm N. was responsible for
    – three hens confessed (beichten): they should kill N. → executed
    – there were hate of Frederick
    – windmill was finished → N. Mill → had to buy machinery
    └> timber sold to Frederick / hate of Pilkington
    – timber was paid with false banknotes
    – preparing of an attack → send some messages of good relations to Pilkington 
                    └> help was wanted
    – the attack: 15 men, 6 guns     / Pilkington: “Serves you right”
    – destruction of the windmill → animals got more courage → defended the farm
    – celebrations of victory
    – pigs found whiskey → changes in Commandments: do not drink alcohol to excess

    Chapter 9

    – windmill had to rebuild again 
    – Boxer worked very hard, was wounded, but wanted to see the windmill finished

    Ages of retirements:

    pigs and horses    →    12 years (Boxer: late summer of following year)
    cows            →    14 years
    dogs            →    9   years
    sheep            →    7   years
    hens and geese    →    5   years

    └> the field beyond the orchard (Obstgarten) should be for superannuated (pensionierte) animals
    └> but now barley (Gerstenkorn)grows there (for beer!)

    – the winter was very hard again → rations were reduced for all animals except those of the    pigs and dogs
    └> Squealer: shorter food rations → yes, but in comparison to Jones’ times enormous
        (Jones and all he stood for was forgotten)
        └> so the animals believed
    – farmer times they were slaves, but now they were free, that’s the difference
    └> they have to feed more mouths

    – a schoolhouse for the young pigs had to build up to educate them
    └> they didn’t must play with other animals
    └> pigs had the privilege of wearing a green ribbon
    └> other animals had to stand aside if the paths were crossed with pigs

    – a successful year for the farm, but short of money
    └> needed bricks, sand and lime for the schoolhouse, (see page 78 middle): candles…
    – selling: stump of hay, potato crops and 600 eggs a week
    – rations reduced in December and February
    – beer is made in the brew house of Jones
    └> the barley is reserved for the pigs
    – once a week a Spontaneous Demonstration (to celebrate the efforts (Aufwand) of Animal Farm)
    └> poems to N., speeches by Squealer, gun was fired, marches of military formations
    └> animals enjoyed that, forgot the empty belly 
    – Animal Farm became a republic with N. as president
    – Moses the raven appears (erscheinen) → dreams of Sugarcandy Mountain
    └> animals believed him and on an existing better world after life
    └> Moses could stay (religious prophet)
    – Boxer was healthy but weak, had an accident, was sold to a slaughter
    – Squealer explained writing was not painted over
    – animals believed
    – for the money of Boxer, whiskey was bought

    Chapter 10

    – old animals are dead except Clover, Benjamin, Moses
    → Boxer and Snowball were forgotten
    – number of animals was higher than ever before
    – farm is better organized, bigger, mill is finished (without electrical power → meal corn for money)
    – farm was rich but their animals were hungry and had bad conditions
    – Squealer was very fat, pigs had good conditions
    – animals couldn’t compare (vergleichen) now a times and Jones’ times, didn’t knew time before Rebellion
    └> animals accepted bad conditions
    – sheep should learn a new song (“four legs good two legs better”)
    └> pigs went on two legs
    – Clover looked up to Commandments: “all animals are equal but some are more equal than others”
    – neighbour farmers came to visit/inspect Animal Farm
    – Pilkington compared (vergleichen) in his speech Animal Farm with human classes
    – humans accepted Animal Farm, learned how to oppress (unterdrücken) others in a clever way
    – Animal Farm was no more feared (gefürchtet) as competitor (Konkurrent)
    – pigs turned to men and men turned to pigs, Animal Farm animals didn’t know which was which

  • Shakespeare – Hamlet – Summary Inhaltsangabe

    Prinz Hamlet, Sohn des Dänenkönigs Hamlet und seiner Frau Gertrude, studierte in Wittenberg. Da wird sein Vater von dessen Bruder Claudius ermordet. Claudius heiratet die in den Mord eingeweihte Gertrude. In dieses kriminelle Klima kehrt Hamlet zurück, träumt nachts wiederholt, daß sein Vater ermordet wurde und er als Sohn Rache nehmen solle. Doch Hamlet ist zu zart und unentschlossen, obwohl er Vater’s Ehre wahren will. Claudius und Gertrude ahnen die inneren Kämpfe Hamlet’s und wollen seiner Rache zuvorkommen. Sie knüpfen wiederholt Intrigen zur Beseitigung Hamlets doch traumwandlerisch entgeht er ihnen. Als er seine Mutter des Komplotts mit dem Mörder seines Vaters anklagt, bemerkt er hinter dem Vorhang eine lauschende Gestalt. In der Meinung es sei Claudius ersticht er sie. Doch es war der Vater seiner geliebten Ophelia. So wird Hamlet ungewollt mitschuldig. Ophelia begeht Selbstmord, den ihr Bruder, Laertes, rächen will. Im dazu anberaumten Turnier verletzen sich Laertes und Hamlet gegenseitig mit vergifteter Waffe. Hamlet weiß nun vom Gift und ersticht jetzt entschlossen den König. Gertrude trinkt vor Schreck vom für Hamlet vergifteten Wein. Die Tragödie ist vollended. Hamlet, der in Wittenberg bei humanistischen Professoren studierte und deren Lehren in sich verkörperte, war den mörderischen Intrigen seines Onkels nicht gewachsen. Ihm fehlte Entschlossenheit und Tatkraft. Erst nachdem er selbst in Schuld verstrickt und mit vergifteter Waffe getroffen war, tötete er bewußt den schuldigen Claudius.