Hier findet ihr eine kurze Inhaltsangabe/Summary zum Buch The Merchant of Venice.
The Merchant of Venice summary
- Bassanio wants to court Portia, a rich Venetian heiress and therefore he needs 3000 duckets
- Asks Antonio, his friend, if he could loan money
- Antonio is currently out of money, because his ships are at sea
- Therefore, Antonio approaches a Jewish moneylender in order to help his friend in need
- Shylock hates Antonio due to his anti-semitic behaviour
- Condition: The loan has to be repaid in 12 weeks or he demands a pound of flesh from Antonio
- Antonio is convinced to gain much money when his ships are back so he accepts it
- However, his ships are reported as being lost at sea
- Portia's father challenges her suitors with three caskets in Belmont; one contains his daughters portrait
- If one of them chooses the correct one, he will be able to marry Portia
- If not, he must swear not to woo another woman anymore
- Princes of Morocco and Arragon fail, because they choose the golden and silver casket; Bassanio wins due to altruism
- During this test, Lorenzo and Shylock's daughter flee; took all the money of Shylock with them
- Furthermore, numerous creditors demand repayments from Antonio
- As a reaction, Bassanio goes back to Venice
- Portia and Nerissa also leave for Venice; are disguised as a male lawyer and his clerk
- Due to the shipwreck, both are not able to pay the bond until the day of repayment
- Shylock also does not accept another sum after offering a higher amount of money
- Jewish moneylender is animated by a desire for revenge because of his daughter and the Christians
- Portia is allowed to judge; the Duke rejects to take action
- Portia consents that Shylock exacts his required pound of flesh
- Condition: Antonio must not bleed; against the Christian law
- Laws of Venice: somebody who murders has to pay the half of his possession to the opposing party, the other half to the state
- Shylock admits his defeat
- Antonio offers the return of his half to Shylock when he converts to Christianity and bequeathes his property to Jessica and Lorenzo
- Shylock agrees and leaves the court
- In Belmont Antonio hears that his ships arrived in port safely
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