Stop all the clocks (Funeral Blues) Inhaltsangabe/summary

Hier findet ihr eine Inhaltsangabe zum Buch "Stop all the clocks (Funeral Blues)".

Stop all the clocks (Funeral Blues) Inhaltsangabe

  1. a coffin is to be brought → the author wants complete silence (no telephone, no dog, no piano, not even a ticking clock) except a “muffled drum”
  2. Planes should write “he is dead” into the sky
    The whole city should show the loss: public doves should be “decorated” with black bows, policemen should wear black gloves
  3. The dead person meant everything to the persona
    He thought love was forever but death proved him wrong
  4. Stars, moon and sun should stop shining
    Nothing can ever be good any more

The persona is hurt so deeply he wants his whole environment to share his sadness and to honour his dead friend

            → desperate try to express extreme sadness through gestures and traditional acts of      honour

            → unrealistic confusions made out of the confusion after a sudden loss


  • intimate, sentimental, serious, solemn, tragic

The author confronts the reader with an atmosphere of very deep and intimate pain and sadness. The reader can adapt this feelings very well

Experience of loss:

  • “I was wrong” summarises the speaker's feelings and mirrors what mourners often feel: disbelief at the situation and the revelation of the incorrect belief in immortality
  • unrealistic demands: impossibility of ever completely coping with the death of a beloved person
  • expresses the cruel reality of death without a glimpse of hope or optimism


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